Political Action


Local 67 understands the importance of being politically active. Our union's involvement in legislative issues and our members' Local 67 Political Action Committees are vital if we intend to succeed in our constant battle for the good paying jobs and safe working conditions that our members deserve. When our members participate in Labor Walks, lobby days or simply gather together at town hall meetings, we create a foundation along with strong relationships that are essential in the lobbying for important legislation that benefits all working men and women.

Get Involved

This type of environment not only helps Local 67's union membership, but all other unions and non-union working people alike. When seeking support of key political figures, we must first show that we are familiar with the issues in order for them to take serious action. Elected officials often witness Local 67 members mobilizing in great numbers in support of MIA legislation or candidate support. The elected officials often witnessed Local 67 members mobilizing in great numbers in support of new legislation or candidate. The political community instantly recognizes how valuable we are in the political process. When we lobby for laws to protect working people, elected officials are often reminded of the impact that once that was demonstrated through our Political efforts. They know that when we care about an issue or a cause, we commit our full support to whatever and whenever necessary.

To get involved with the Local 67's Political Action Committee, or to find out how you can help your union gain a local, state, and federal legislation, contact your local Union or attend a General Membership meeting and discuss politics there. And remember, when it comes to politics, all politics are local!

Contact Elected Officials

It is imperative to contact your elected officials when important issues arise. To contact them now click the link below.

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Message from the Business Manager

We, as trade unions, should be thrilled with the outcome of this election. The Biden administration supports workers’ rights and Project Labor Agreements. Believes in the expansion of prevailing wages, as well the enforcement of occupational safety standards and most importantly, upgrading our infrastructure, and transportation networks.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank those members who showed up to do the work during this strange and extraordinary election season. The greatest threat to our way of life has been eliminated just in time, and I am sure there are many other constituencies like ours that feel the same way. The Laborers’ role was huge, particularly in many of the swing states that reversed the course after having helped Trump’s victory in 2016 and now coming through for Biden and Harris.

Honestly though, the Laborers could not have done it alone. As the Democratic Party itself, this win was because of a diverse coalition of people hoping for a better future and the desire for a government that helps its citizens; not locks them up, but that serves its constituents, not corporations and big business, and one that demonstrates unity and healing, not divisiveness and personal gain. The hopes and dreams of so many diverse Americans and union members have been realized with the end of Trump's term, and people of good conscience are celebrating literally across the globe.

The vaccine is here. It is a new day where we can finally see a bright light, in what was a horrible, dark year for most across our great nation. It is our hope that America’s new leadership can bring our country together while addressing the immediate crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic fallout. We must have faith that they can work with the moderates to fix what needs to be fixed, provide for what needs to be provided, and protect what needs to be protected. What will be critical though, is the effort they make to strengthen our country's democratic principles and institutions while embracing and demonstrating the value of the common interests that we all share as Americans. As proud union members, we must never allow each of us to sink as low as partisan politics have taken us, ever again.

As our election has just shown us all, DEMOCRACY works. Democracy is as precious as it is vulnerable, and we must remain forever vigilant to protect it or else we could lose it. The blood of those patriots who created this country and the Americans who fought to save it and defend it, would be too high of a price to pay to lose it to someone like Donald Trump. God Bless our LiUNA family and God Bless America!


Mensaje del Gerente de Negocios

Como trabajadores sindicalizados, debemos de estar muy emocionados después de los resultados de las recientes elecciones. La administración de Biden apoya los derechos de los trabajadores, contratos colectivos, y cree en la expansión de los salarios que prevalecen y también en enforzar la seguridad ocupacional, pero mucho más importante, mejorar nuestra infraestructura y las redes de transportación.

Desde el fondo de mi corazón, quiero darles un gran agradecimiento a todos aquellos agremiados que se presentaron a hacer este trabajo en esta temporada tan extraña pero tan extraordinaria durante el periodo de elecciones. Una de las grandes amenazas de nuestra vida, fue eliminada a tiempo y estoy seguro de que muchos más constituyentes como nosotros, comparten el mismo sentimiento. Los Obreros tomaron un papel inmenso, particularmente en aquellos estados que se voltearon después del curso de las elecciones del 2016 que ayudó a que Trump llegara a la victoria, y que ahora se voltearon para apoyar a Biden y a Harris.

Pero honestamente, los obreros no lo lograron solos. Al igual que el partido Demócrata, este triunfo fue por la coalición diversa de personas con esperanza en un futuro mejor y el deseo de un gobierno que ayude a sus ciudadanos; no que los encarcele, pero que sirva a sus constituyentes, no a grandes empresas y corporaciones, y uno que demuestre unidad y curación, no división y adquisición personal. La esperanza y sueños de muchos estadounidenses diversos y miembros de la unión que se han realizado con el final del término de Trump, y gente de conciencia están celebrando, literalmente al nivel mundial.

La vacuna ha llegado. Es un nuevo día donde finalmente podemos ver el brillo de la luz, en lo que fue un horrible y obscuro año en nuestra gran nación. Tenemos la gran esperanza de que nuestro liderazgo nos pueda reunir como nación, y darle dirección inmediata a la pandemia del Coronavirus-19, y también a la caída económica. Debemos de tener fe que la nueva administración podrá lograr reparar lo que necesite reparación, y también proveer lo que se necesite proveer, al igual que proteger lo que debe de ser protegido. Lo que sabemos es que será crucial, será el esfuerzo que ellos hagan para (acoger), y fortalecer nuestras instituciones y principios democráticos de nuestra nación y demostrarnos el valor común y el interés que todos compartimos como estadounidenses. Como miembros agremiados de la unión, nunca más podemos volver a permitir ser hundidos como partidistas bajos.

Como nuestra elección nos acaba de demostrar, la DEMOCRACIA funciona. La democracia es tan preciosa, pero también vulnerable y siempre debemos estar vigilantes para protegerla; de otra manera la podemos perder. La sangre de aquellos patriotas quienes fundaron este país y los que pelearon para defenderla, sería un precio muy alto que pagar para perderlo por alguien como Donald Trump. Que Dios bendiga a la familia LiUNA, y que Dios bendiga los Estados Unidos.